Use it before you've built up enough damage, and you've wasted the attack and pretty much given the opponent a vulnerable, fragile unit to pick off. Knowing when to use Finale is important if you run a Jester. Solo can help set up for a deadly Finale, but since its buffs are not too different from those provided by the rest of the Jesters' skills, it's one of the least-used skills in the repertoire. Inspiring Tune can be helpful in defending against single-target Stress attacks. Mortal Wound can weaken the enemy's Deathblow resistance to help the Jester or his companions assassinate them. Harvest is great for spreading AoE Bleeds and can be combined with the Crushed Hemlock to inflict both Bleed and Blight to the enemy middle ranks. The last skill is dependent on preference. This lets him contribute to battle significantly as he builds up to a good Finale, and as heroes dwindle he can contribute to stray Deathblows to turn the tides in your favor. Dirk Stab is a basic skill that puts the Jester in position for Finale but also has an oft-overlooked ability to bypass Guards and have a slightly higher Deathblow rate. Most Jesters are best placed at position 3 so that they can open with a Battle Ballad which gives a long-lasting ACC buff.
As the self-buffs to Finale can stack up to 280%, Finale can hit for 24-44 damage before accounting for buffs and crits, so he can kill the squishier units at a little less than full health. Finale is essentially the reason to run a Jester, so it's best to build around it. However, if Finale does just enough damage to put them to exactly 0HP, that enemy simply falls to Death's Door like normal. The PvP version of Finale has the ability to bypass Death's Door, meaning that if it puts any enemy unit below 0HP they immediately die, without any regard to their Deathblow resistance.